A Brief History of the Czech Lands To 2004


  • Čornej a Pokorný
A Brief History of the Czech Lands To 2004 Tell a friend
  • CDN $18.00 (US $13.50) CDN $15.00 (US $11.25)
  • 96 pages
  • ISBN: 80-7252-027-X
  • Publisher: Práh
  • Published Date: 2003
  • Cover: Paperback
  • Comments


Historie českého národa do roku 2004.

V angličtině.


This brief history of the Czech Lands has been compiled by leading Czech historians. Its brevity and clarity results from their highly skillful refinement and distillation of profound and detailed knowledge. This book is one that the reader can either read from start to finish or use as reference for years to come.

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